Hello Folks!
Today we would like to show you how was made one of our special 3d models in The End of The Sun – Svarog’s figurine ! (Svarog is the slavic god of fire and blacksmithing)

Svarog is Slavic god of of fire and blacksmithing
image source: Pinterest
In our game we are using photogrammetry for most of our in-game 3d graphics. Photogrammetry is a technique of scanning real objects and changing them into 3d models. You could read more about it in our earlier making off post here.
There is one big problem with photogrammetry – We can’t scan something that doesn’t exist in the real world 🙂
So what can we do in that situation? We could make elements that don’t exist by preparing it in 3d software or… We could create it in real world and then scan it! 🙂
So there is where story of our Wooden Svarog Figurine starts. It is quite important element in our game so we wanted it to have really unique and cool look. This is why we decided to ask real sculptor to make it for us and then we scanned it into the game.
Figurine was handmade specially for our game by amazing sculptor Bartosz Machura 🙂
Here is how proceeded process of sculpting the figurine (Big thanks to Bartosz for sending us that photos):

Second stage of production – scuplting details, like hammer, fire, details of hair, sign on back of figurine

Third stage of production – painting and waxing figurine for better endurance and water resistance and adding holder for better stability.
Figurine is about 20 cm high and was waxed for better endurance and water resistance.
The next stage was our part of job. We took a photographs of the object using the photogrammetry method and converting them into a 3d object in few different 3d softwares. That process we described in details earlier Here
Finally our Svarog’s figurine in The End of the Sun game looks like this:
What do you think about the final result of Svarog’s figurine look in the game?
Let us know ?
Timmy · 22 at 09:15
Looks amazing! Waiting for kickstarter! Will support for sure!
The End of the Sun Team · 23 at 18:50
Thanks a lot!